Finished page 10 of Coming to Water - 6 more to go. This is at the moment my main project and I love stitching it.
There is also an update on my so called travel project, the Alphabet Heart. Two people were asking who the designer is. The answer: I don't have the slightest clue. All I know is that it's a freebie from the Australian Home and Garden magazine and can be downloaded here .
The stitching is almost finished. It will be finished as ornament for Donna's "Stitching for a Cure" project. Because it is dedicated to my father in law who is suffering from Cancer AND he likes it a lot, I will stitch it again for him. He chose this afternoon a color. Which means also that my dear readers have to put up with me posting the progress on the same work So be warned and prepared
Then there is Manhattan Wonderland. This is how far I am on this one - which is not really far. But I LOVE stitching on it and look forward every week for Thursday to put some stitches in it. This week I stitched 2 evenings on it:
There is not much news for the rest. My brother in law came up with a radio controlled helicopter...and infected Michael seriously. Mike bought himself 2 helicopters with a 3rd one on the way and flies the last picture. Our niece Haleigh had today her first netbal game and we all were there to cheer her on. Isn't she a cutie?